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How to Mix and Match Patterns like a Pro: Fashion Tips for the Bold and Daring

Are you having issues finding ways to boldly mix and match patterns in your outfits? Adding swagger to your style game is not an uphill struggle, yet you can slay all day with some of the pro tips to mix and match patterns and beautify yourself up. Here are some of the fashion tips for a bold and daring outlook. From women's fashion to accessories and beyond, it is simpler to add a fashion sense to your overall personality. A good print and pattern can enhance your overall outlook.


Be a Fashion Pro:

Whether you are trying to be a fashion pro or you want to transform your look, mixing print can add some flair and individuality to your everyday appearance. It's okay if you are not going to dig deep into the hard and fast rules of fashion because trials and errors are always a part of life. Moreover, mixing prints is just like an art or a skill one really needs to practice.

Be Your Own Stylist:


Playing in your closet will actually be a wild ride and fun once you know how to style yourself up. Juggling between trendy items or pastel classics is an all-time struggle we all have a pretty good clue of, so don’t kill the artist inside you and be bold while mixing patterns and prints.

Cool Mix and Match:

Cool mix-and-match patterns are always fun and eye-catching. It is important to know that mixing and matching is trendy and an interesting thing to do when it comes to fashion and styling. Here is how you can nail the trend in all seasons and a guide to mixing and matching. You really do not need to be extravagant to look chic and classy because all you are going to need is the basics of a white button-down shirt with all-time classy denim jeans to get the lunch plan going.

Play With Colors:


The most significant element of mixing and matching is playing with colors, be they vibrant or dark. If you are wearing a vibrant color, you can balance it with something darker. For instance, wearing a purple printed jacket with a green jacket would work for you. Contrasting with colors is always a fun thing to do in women's and men's fashion.

Know the Balance:

Mixing and matching prints and patterns also require balance to keep your look subtle and loud. Choose a color scheme wisely and choose what you are comfortable with. Find patterns and prints that really complement each other to be a show-stopper. In addition, mixing patterns like a pro does not have to be a tiring job, and it should not scare you.

Be Neutral:

To incorporate print in your current wardrobe, find a print that you can put under something. For instance, a printed shirt underneath a suit or a blazer. You can also start with a subtle piece of clothing and be neutral with your choice.

Pair It Up:

Mixing patterns of different scales is also a cool idea to look trendy and stylish. Pairing up a small-scale print with large-scale patterns would be great for becoming a pro at fashion. Choosing patterns of different sizes to grab all the limelight is something you must do in order to look fabulous. It is one of the interesting ways and hacks to mix and match and create amazing outfits. When it comes to women's clothing, there are multiple options of different sizes that can complement each other.

Understand the Fabric Type:


To successfully mix and match the fabrics, it is vital to understand different types of fabrics and familiarize yourself with fabrics such as cotton, silk, chiffon, linen, etc. You can also choose fabrics in similar or complementary colors and patterns. You can also opt for complementary shades to create a bold statement.

Play With Textures:

When it comes to fabric mixing, texture is an essential element. Furthermore, combining different textures adds attraction to your outfits. Experiment with combinations that create a wonderful contrast.

Pay Attention to Occasions:

When mixing fabrics, consider occasions and seasons to ensure comfort and style. For instance, during warmer months, opt for breathable and lightweight textiles. If you are afraid of breaking the traditional fashion rules and trying unexpected combinations, then don’t be. At times, the most stunning and daring look comes. You don’t need to worry about going against fashion rules and trying unexpected combinations. At times, the most innovative and stunning look emerges from daring mixtures.

Wrapping Up:

Mixing and matching fabrics is the coolest way to enhance your style and create interestingly unique outfits. Having proper guidance and understanding of patterns, and fabric type, and with proper fabric coordination, you can create a stunning look and experience a different fashion sense. Whether you are trying to elevate your look for winter clothes or look chic in summer, mixing and matching prints would always be a great idea.

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