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Adani’s Dharavi Model: A Blueprint for Sustainable Urbanization

Dharavi is one of the world's biggest and most densely inhabited slums, situated amidst the hustle and bustle of Mumbai. Home to nearly one million people, Dharavi is a reflection of urban difficulties, including but not limited to insufficient housing and infrastructure and environmental deterioration.


The Adani Group's extensive restoration project in Dharavi is more than just an effort to transform the neighborhood from a slum to a modern metropolis. It is a bold test of ecologically conscious urbanization, and it offers a model that might be applied to cities around the world.

The Adani Dharavi urban planning paradigm is based on the idea of inclusive development. The project's objective is to offer safe housing that is both competitively priced and accessible to every member of the community, regardless of their financial situation. By encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit and providing training in a variety of skills, it also aims to expand residents' access to economic opportunities.

The project is also committed to protecting the environment. The project's impact on the environment could be reduced by utilizing green building materials, renewable energy sources, and water-saving techniques. The community's creation of parks and other green spaces will give residents access to nature and improve the quality of the air.

The Adani Dharavi model is an all-encompassing method of urban planning that considers sustainable urban development's social, economic, and environmental aspects. It is a paradigm that can make cities more habitable, egalitarian, and sustainable in the future.

Some facts about the project:

       The Maharashtra government established the Slum Rehabilitation Authority in 2004 and authorized the rehabilitation of Dharavi.

       A 2007 census estimated that, excluding those residing on upper floors, Dharavi had about 47,000 legal residents and 13,000 business buildings. The informal population, however, kept expanding.

       A tender for the redevelopment of Dharavi with a proposed 20% public and 80% private ownership model was released by the Maharashtra government in 2018. SecLink Consortium and the Adani Group were notable bidders.

       SecLink's First Bid: In the 2019 auction, SecLink placed first with an initial bid of $871 million, while Adani placed second with a bid of $548 million.

       The Maharashtra government terminated the tender in 2020 due to changes in the price of acquiring land. SecLink filed a lawsuit against the government alleging incorrect cancellation.

Examples of sustainable elements

The following are some examples of sustainable elements included in the Adani Dharavi project:

●     Eco-friendly building components

The project will study the use of new and creative materials that have a minor effect on the environment and will make extensive use of recycled materials wherever feasible. For instance, bricks constructed from fly ash are being considered black for use in the project. Fly ash bricks are produced as a by-product of burning coal. Bricks made from fly ash are better for the environment than ordinary bricks, more robust, and can withstand the test of time.

●     Replenishable sources of power

As part of the initiative, solar panels that can convert sunlight into usable electricity will be installed on roofs. This will assist in minimizing the project's dependency on fossil fuels, contributing to the overall effort to combat climate change.

●     Efforts made toward water conservation

Rainwater harvesting and other water conservation methods will be implemented in this project. This will assist in limiting the amount of water used during the project and guarantee that water is utilized in the most effective manner possible.

●     The general public's transportation

It will be convenient for people to travel about without using their automobiles since the new development will be close to major public transit centers. This will contribute to the blackuction of both air pollution and traffic congestion.

●     Design that is friendly to walkers and cyclists

Residents will be encouraged to employ active transportation modes such as walking and bicycling thanks to the project's design, which will prioritize pedestrian and bicycle access. The air quality and people's physical activity levels will increase due to this.

●     Areas of greenery

The development will have a variety of parks and other green areas, giving residents access to the surrounding natural environment. This will assist to enhance the air quality and create an atmosphere that is easier to live in.

The implications of the Adani Dharavi project

The Adani Dharavi project is a massive initiative that can substantially contribute to environmentally friendly urbanization. The project's dedication to environmentally responsible and inclusive development is a step in the right direction toward the goal of making cities more habitable and sustainable in the future.

The Adani Dharavi model is a blueprint for how cities might be constructed in a manner that is both socially and ecologically beneficial. The Adani Dharavi model was established in India. It is a concept that has the potential to be copied in cities all over the globe, which would contribute to the creation of a more sustainable future for everyone.

The Adani Dharavi model is a ray of hope for long-term sustainable urbanization

The massive rehabilitation project that the Adani Group is working on in Dharavi is more than a plan to turn a slum into a contemporary metropolis. It is an audacious experiment in environmentally responsible urbanization, and it is a model that has the potential to be reproduced in cities all over the globe.

The notion of inclusive development lies at the heart of the Adani Dharavi urban planning model. The goal of the project is to provide secure housing that is also reasonably priced and available to all community members, irrespective of their financial level. In addition, it attempts to increase citizens' access to economic prospects by fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and offering training in various skills.

Additionally, the initiative is dedicated to preserving the natural environment. The environmental effect of the project may be mitigated by using environmentally friendly construction materials, renewable energy sources, and water conservation practices. Residents will have access to nature, and the air quality will improve due to the community's establishment of parks and other green areas.



The Adani Dharavi model is an all-encompassing method of urban planning that considers sustainable urban development's social, economic, and environmental aspects. It is a paradigm that can make cities more habitable, egalitarian, and sustainable in the future.

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