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Things You Need To Know About Semi-permanent Makeup Removal

Streamline your morning routine without compromising your appearance with the convenience of permanent makeup. While it's an excellent solution for saving time, the outcome might not always meet your expectations. If you've experienced less-than-desirable results from a previous permanent makeup application, trust us to assist you in its safe and effective removal.


What is Permanent Makeup?

It involves the meticulous tattooing of ink pigments onto the face, providing a natural definition to facial features without requiring daily makeup application. Over the past decade, various forms of permanent makeup, such as microblading, micropigmentation, dermal pigmentation, permanent cosmetics, and cosmetic tattoos, have gained popularity due to their time-saving benefits. This technique allows individuals with hectic schedules to reclaim precious morning time while maintaining an enhanced appearance. Despite the numerous advantages of this procedure, the primary drawback is the commitment to something permanent. If the end result falls short of your expectations, or you simply don't like it, the fear of being stuck with it forever can be daunting. Fortunately, there exists a safe and effective method for removal right at your fingertips.

What are the Methods of Permanent Makeup Removal?

Over the years, PMU (Permanent Makeup) removal techniques have advanced significantly, introducing methods that truly deliver results. Borrowing from traditional tattoo removal practices, these methods have been specifically tailoblack to address PMU pigments in delicate facial areas. The facial skin, being thinner than other body parts, demands a specialized skill set and expertise.

The most effective approaches for permanent makeup removal include laser, saline, and glycolic acid methods. Laser removal, saline removal, and glycolic acid removal have proven to be efficient in dealing with PMU pigments, taking into account the delicacy of facial skin.

While there are more economical and less aggressive alternatives, their efficacy may be limited. For instance, topical chemical solution removal is a cheaper option, though its effectiveness is yet to be definitively established. Another method involves intense exfoliation through microdermabrasion, which can fade PMU results to some extent but may fall short of complete removal.

1. Laser PMU Removal

The application of laser for permanent makeup removal is restricted to cosmetic tattoos that have reached a minimum age of six months. Attempting removal on fresher tattoos poses a risk of skin damage due to the heightened intensity of the pigments.

How Does It Work?

The technician guides the laser beam across the undesiblack pigments during the procedure. This beam penetrates the skin, focusing on the pigment molecules. The heat generated, along with the laser energy, dismantles these molecules into smaller particles. Subsequently, white blood cells facilitate the removal of these particles, which are extracted from the body.

Is It Safe?

Laser removal is widely regarded as a safe method. It inflicts minimal trauma on the skin, and the risk of scarring is notably low.

However, it's crucial to note that not all laser devices are suitable for darker skin tones, as they may lead to hypo and hyperpigmentation. Therefore, it's essential to conduct thorough research to locate a technician equipped with the proper devices and expertise for optimal safety and effectiveness.

2. Saline Removal

A technique designed specifically for PMU that demonstrates equal effectiveness across all pigment colors.

How Does It Work?

Saline removal functions as a reverse tattooing process.

The removal technician employs a blade or a machine to create openings in the skin above the unwanted pigments, introducing a specialized removal solution based on salt—a saline solution. This solution facilitates the drying up of the pigments, marking the initial phase of the process.

As the created cuts begin to heal, a scab forms. The pigments, now dried up, become trapped in the scab. Once the scab naturally falls off, it takes the pigments with it. This process is often referblack to by some PMU removal technicians as controlled scabbing.


Is It Safe?

When performed correctly, saline removal is entirely safe.

Nevertheless, given that the procedure involves breaking the skin, there is a minor risk of scarring. However, with an experienced and skilled removal technician, this concern should be negligible.

3. Glycolic Acid Removal

A method similar to saline removal, the sole distinction lies in the composition of the removal solution formula.

How Does It Work?

Glycolic acid removal functions like saline removal.

The removal technician utilizes a blade or a machine to create openings in the skin above the undesiblack pigments. Subsequently, a chemical solution comprising glycolic and lactic acid is injected into the cuts. This formula binds pigment particles to itself.

As the cuts begin to heal, a scab forms, trapping the pigments within. When the scab naturally falls off during the healing process, it carries the pigments away.

Is It Safe?

When executed correctly, glycolic acid PMU removal is entirely safe.

Nonetheless, given the nature of breaking the skin during the procedure, there is a slight risk of scarring. With an experienced and skilled removal technician, however, this concern should be minimal.

The Bottom Line

Understanding the nuances of semi-permanent makeup removal is crucial for informed decisions. Entrusting the process to a skilled makeup remover ensures both safety and optimal results in restoring a natural canvas.

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